Web site's description

This website contains old documents about our Oldtimers vehicules (cars, planes, motorcycles, boats, tractors, etc.). You are searching for informations to do your car maintenance ? You are in the right spot. You will find here plans, fact sheets and lubrication patterns (or "Lubrication charts"), technical sheets, information for tuning your engine and many other document types.

Sometimes, we do not find or we do not have accurate information to achieve any manipulation on our vehicules. We created this website in order to sharing informations which will help people to find documents useful for the restoration and maintenance of their vehicule but also share files they own and / or discovered by them during their research.


 We are a nonprofit association of enthusiasts of older vehicles and we therefore publish that information on these older vehicles. For the most recent ones, informations are available from specialized companies (see our list of links and partners ). We want to be complementary to those sites and/or companies. In this context, all our documents are marked by an inscription of our website. The goal is to prevent anyone from using the information for resale.

We insist that we are not collectors of documents. As collectors and enthusiasts of old vehicules, gathering, sharing and pooling of these documents will be directly used for the restauration of our vehicules.